- Encounter and Risk Adjustment Program (Part C)
- Companion Guides
- EDPS Bulletins
- Encounter Data Submission and Processing Guide
- Enroll to Submit Risk Adjustment Data
- FAQs
- Front-end Risk Adjustment System (FERAS)
- Industry Calls
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- Report and File Layouts
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- Supplemental Benefit Services Submission Guidance
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How do MAOs and other entities access the CMS 5010 CEM Spreadsheet?
To access the CMS 5010 Claim Edits and Enhancement Module (CEM) Edits Spreadsheet, use the following steps:
- Click on https://www.cms.gov/Regulations-and-Guidance/Guidance/Transmittals/2017-Transmittals
- Key in ‘(EDI) Front End Updates’ in the ‘Filter On’ box
- Select Transmittal #
- R1806OTN –Version EA20173V01 (Institutional)
- R1865OTN-Version EB20181V01 (Professional)
- R1947OTN-Version CE20182V01 (Durable Medical Equipment)
- Click on the link(s) under ‘Downloads’ at the bottom of the page.
Last Updated: 03/21/2019